Onsen: una pequeña guía de buenos modales

La reglas de etiqueta en el baño

Los onsen (aguas termales) y los sentō (baños públicos) son lugares en los que puedes relajarte. Son verdaderos microcosmos con reglas de buena conducta muy específicas. Para no estropear su placer y el de tus compañeros de baño, damos aquí algunos consejos.



  • Washing before bathing: Before plunging into an onsen, it's crucial to wash thoroughly. Use shower stations equipped with stools and personal showers to clean yourself with soap and hot water.
  • Avoid plunging into the water too suddenly: Onsen water is hot, and rapid immersion can be difficult. Enter gradually to allow your body to get used to the temperature.
  • Don't submerge your head underwater: In an onsen, it's important to keep your hair out of the water. If you have long hair, tie it up to prevent it from touching the water.
Yumomi, une cérémonie traditionnelle qui consiste à refroidir l’eau thermale extrêmement chaude afin de pouvoir s’y baigner.

Yumomi, a traditional ceremony in which extremely hot thermal water is cooled so that it can be used for bathing


  • Don't talk loudly: Respect for quiet is paramount in an onsen. Keep quiet and calm so as not to disturb others.
  • No bathing suit It is possible to keep a small cotton towel in the onsen, called a tenugui. No towel should be in contact with the bath water. This keeps the water particularly clean.
  • Rinse off : Rinsing is recommended for certain types of mineral composition. A quick wash will get rid of the acid, hydrogen sulfide and other minerals present in some waters, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Maison traditionnelle japonaise avec onsen

Traditional Japanese house with onsen


  • Onsen that accept tattoos: More and more onsen, especially in big cities like Tokyo and Kyoto, are beginning to relax this rule. Some establishments even have specific policies allowing tattooed guests access to designated areas.
  • Solutions for the tattooed: If you're tattooed and want to enjoy an onsen, it's possible to find establishments that allow tattoos or offer tattoo covers to wear for the occasion. It is therefore essential to check onsen policies in advance.
Tatouage japonais

Japanese tattoo

©Kusakabe Kimbei, wikimedia

Mixed onsen (or"konyoku onsen") are thermal baths where men and women bathe together. Although they are relatively rare, they do exist in certain regions, particularly in rural areas or small traditional inns.

  • Special clothing for mixed onsen: In mixed-sex onsen, some establishments allow visitors to wear special clothing, such as bathing suits or yukatas, to ensure modesty and respect for other bathers.
  • Rules of conduct: In these onsens, the rules on privacy and behavior are even stricter, and it's essential to be particularly vigilant about how you interact with other visitors.

In other onsens, men's and women's baths are separate. The men's bath is indicated by the character (otoko, man) on a blue curtain; the women's by the character (onna, woman) on a red curtain. Beware of getting it wrong!

couple allant à un onsen

couple going to an onsen


Enjoy the onsen with our excursions !

  • Duración : 5 días
  • Locations : Kyushu
  • Duración : 2 días
  • Locations : Yumura, Kinosaki - Hyogo Prefecture

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