Ise 伊勢

  • Publicado el : 28/08/2020
  • Por : G.L/Ph.L

Hora local 03:07

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    Temp : 17.7°C

    Date : Hoy

  • Symbol : sunny_cloudy

    Temp : 19.8°C

    Date : Mañana

  • Symbol : sunny_cloudy

    Temp : 20.7°C

    Date : Sábado

  • Symbol : cloudy

    Temp : 20.9°C

    Date : Domingo

Hora local 03:07

  • Symbol : sunny_cloudy

    Temp : 17.7°C

    Date : Hoy

  • Symbol : sunny_cloudy

    Temp : 19.8°C

    Date : Mañana

  • Symbol : sunny_cloudy

    Temp : 20.7°C

    Date : Sábado

  • Symbol : cloudy

    Temp : 20.9°C

    Date : Domingo

Descubre la ciudad más sagrada de Japón

Perdida en medio de la prefectura de Mie, Ise irradia un aura misteriosa. Lugar de nacimiento de la diosa del sol Amaterasu, en esta pequeña ciudad rural está Ise-Shingu, el santuario más sagrado de Japón. Por su historia y su geografía, acoge cada año a miles de visitantes deseosos de descubrir todos sus misterios.

The birthplace of the goddess Amaterasu

Perhaps the most well-established attraction in Ise City is the famous Ise-Jingu Shrine. Arguably the most significant Shinto grand shrine in all of Japan, it was initially erected in honor of Amaterasu, the sun goddess attached to the imperial family, all the way back in the year 4 B.C.E. The religious complex consists of 125 smaller shrines and is said to be "the soul of Japan."

Go through the Uji Bridge to access the Naiku Shrine, the birthplace of the goddess Amaterasu. Ancient visitors believed its wooden construction would wash away their sins from those who pass through it.

The most prized shrine in the country, the Naiku is said to house the yatano kagami mirror, one of the three sacred relics of Japan, and was used to bring Amaterasu out of the cave in which she had been hiding following a violent argument with her brother Susanoo, the god of storms.

ise shrine naiku kaguraden

Naiku Kaguraden

Yanajin33 via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

Un des bâtiments constituant Ise-Jingu

Un des bâtiments constituant Ise-Jingu

geku kaguraden ise jingu grand shrine

Geku Kaguraden Ise-jingu Grand Shrine

Oilstreet via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

One of the other crown jewels for scenery in Ise, however, is Mount Asamagatake, elevated above the city and presenting an all-encompassing view of the region. The previously mentioned rich forests and glistening blue waters become one giant landscape from the mountain, which is a popular hiking destination. Historically, the ascent up the mountain was done by pilgrims prior to visiting Ise Jingu. The total journey up and down Mount Asamagatake takes around 4-5 hours.

A city built on artisanal craft

As a UNESCO-recognized city, the culture of traditional artisanal crafts is almost unparalleled in Ise. These crafts span from local specialties to world-recognized luxury items. 

suga island port view from mount o toba mie prefecture ise

Vue du port de l'île de Suga depuis le Mont Ō

Alpsdake via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

En el centro, la calle comercial Okage-Yokochō permite descubrir las especialidades locales. Udon, carne de buey de Matsusaka o abulón capturado por las ama de la ciudad vecina, los innumerables restaurantes del distrito conservan las mejores recetas desde hace siglos. 

Esto es especialmente cierto para el té y el wagashi, ya que Ise es el tercer productor de té del país. Aquí se originó el akafuku, un mochi relleno de pasta de judías rojas concebido en una de las casas de té de la ciudad en el siglo XVIII. 

Además de restaurantes, cafés y tiendas, Okage-Yokochō tiene muchas tiendas de souvenirs. Desde la miel casera hasta la cerámica y los amuletos, la calle es un escaparate de la artesanía de Ise. 

Especialmente cada primero de mes durante el Tsuitachi Mairi, la primera peregrinación mensual, cuando las tiendas abren muy temprano para ofrecer nuevos productos a los valientes que pasan por Oharai-machi tras su regreso de Ise-jingu.

Los famosos akafuku mochi del barrio Oharaimachi en Ise

Los famosos akafuku mochi del barrio Oharaimachi en Ise

Ryosuke Yagi

ise ebi sashimi


takaokun on Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Calle de Okage Yokochō, Ise

Calle de Okage Yokochō, Ise


Futami Onsen: Relaxation amongst natural beauty

Futami Onsen is a premier destination in Ise, home to some of the most amazing scenery in all of Japan, centered around warm and relaxing onsen hot springs with luxurious accommodations. 

The most famous landmark at Futami is Meoto Iwa, or “the wedded rocks.” The two holy stones are connected by a rope structure known as a shimenawa. The two rocks represent the connection between two of Shinto’s most significant deities: Izanami and Izanagi, the mother and father of Japan within the Shinto mythos. On clear mornings, the sun can be seen rising between the two rocks, encompassing much of the most emblematic features of the Japanese archipelago into one scene. The beaches in the area are also lauded, making them popular with both those who wish to take the time to relax and those who wish to indulge in nature. 

meoto iwa rochers mariés japon

Les rochers mariés, Meoto Iwa

Jean-Pierre Dalbéra via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0

Nuestros circuitos

  • Duración : 14 días
  • Locations : Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto, Nara, Ise, Osaka
Descubre otros circuitos (1)