
Activities in Hokkaido

Activities to do in Hokkaido

The Japanese associate Hokkaido with vast open spaces and wild nature. The far north of the island is a place where temperatures can drop to minus 30 degrees in winter, but where lavender and sunflowers bloom in summer.

 Mountains, volcanoes, plains, lakes, rivers, marshes, hot springs and magnificent national parks full of wildlife... 

Every year, Hokkaido offers many attractions and attracts thousands of visitors, especially in summer when temperatures are cooler than in the rest of Japan, and in winter to enjoy the delights of the snow.

Climate and Weather

Hokkaido, the northernmost main island of Japan, is famous for its varied climate. The region experiences harsh, snowy winters, perfect for winter sports and magical winter landscapes

Winter temperatures can drop to -15°C in the mountainous areas. Summer, on the other hand, is mild and pleasant with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C, offering a refreshing escape from the intense heat of other parts of Japan. Spring and autumn are short but spectacular, with cherry blossoms and vibrant autumn foliage.

History of Hokkaido

Originally inhabited by the Ainu, an indigenous people with distinct traditions, Hokkaido was once known as Ezochi. The Ainu lived off hunting, fishing, and gathering, with a culture closely tied to nature. 

Until the 19th century, Hokkaido was largely separate from Japan, but with the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the Japanese government launched a comprehensive colonization campaign to develop the island, renamed Hokkaido in 1869. This initiative transformed the landscape and integrated the island into the national economy, often at the expense of the Ainu.

In the 20th century, Hokkaido emerged as a center of agricultural and industrial production, while also becoming famous for its winter landscapes and the Sapporo Snow Festival.