Privacy Policy

At Japan Experience we respect your privacy and take the protection of your personal data very seriously.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how your personal data is processed and to enable you to exercise your rights in relation to your personal data. In order to have a clear overview of all the processing of your personal data carried out by Japan Experience, we invite you to take a few minutes to read this document.

If you simply wish to access the essential points of this Privacy Policy, a summary is provided below.

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please send an email to the following address:



In the course of its business, Japan Experience may process personal data about you (in particular, identity data and, where applicable, bank details).

This data is collected for strictly limited purposes:

  • Create your Japan Expérience account*;
  • Send a quotation following a request from you*
  • Processing and shipping of your order*;
  • Follow the progress of your order;
  • To contact you regarding an order you have placed;
  • It answers a question you have asked us;
  • Processing of applications for employment and traineeships
  • After obtaining your express consent, to send you personalised commercial and advertising information.

The processing of your personal data by Japan Experience always has a legal basis which varies according to the type of processing.

By way of example, we use the legal basis of contract performance when we process your data to process your order and the legal basis of our legitimate interests when we respond to an enquiry made through our contact form.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, otherwise we will not be able to process your request.

You can obtain detailed information about the cookies we use and manage your preferences by accessing the dedicated page:

We will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes of the processing, after which we will delete or anonymise it.

We implement appropriate physical and logical security measures to protect the integrity of your personal data.

We store your personal data in databases located in the European Union. In the event of transfers outside this territory, we undertake to handle them in accordance with the applicable regulations.

In order to provide you with a tailored service, we use a number of trusted service providers who need access to some of your personal data. We only choose service providers whose personal data protection policy complies with legal requirements.

You have several rights concerning your personal data (right of access, right of rectification, right of opposition, right of deletion, right of portability).To exercise these rights, simply send your request to the following address

Japan Experience, 30 rue Sainte Anne, 75001 Paris



1. Who is responsible for processing my personal data?
2. What personal data is processed by Japan Experience and when is it collected?
3. Why does Japan Experience process my personal data?
4. What is the legal basis for processing my personal data?
5. Do I have to provide my personal data? 6. How can I manage my preferences for cookies?
7. How long is my personal data kept for?
8. Is my personal data safe?
9. Where is my personal data stored?
10. Who does Japan Experience share my personal data with?
11. What are my rights regarding my personal data?
12. Alterations to this Confidentiality Policy

1. Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

The company responsible for the processing of your personal data is Japan Experience, with registered office at 30 rue Saint-Anne in Paris, France (75001).

You can contact Japan Experience :

2. What personal data is processed by Japan Experience and when is it collected?

In the course of its business, Japan Experience may process a variety of information, including the following personal data:

  • Surname, first name
  • E-mail address
  • Contact details
  • Telephone number
  • Payment details

In addition, when you browse our site, certain information is automatically collected from your device or web browser. To learn more about these practices and to manage your preferences in this regard, we invite you to consult our page dedicated to Cookies.

This data includes statistical and session data, as well as information on the currency used.

The nature of the personal data processed by Japan Experience varies according to the situation that justified its collection.

For example, we will only collect your bank details if you pay online for an order by credit card on our secure payment platform. Under no circumstances will we collect such data if it is not necessary for the provision of the requested service.

We collect this data when you communicate it to us or when you browse our site. This is particularly the case when you provide us with information about yourself in the context of an order or when you fill in the contact form on our site.

Sign in with your Google Account

When you create your Japan Expérience account or if you wish to log in on our website, you have the possibility to connect to Google to facilitate the creation of your account on our website.

To do this, you must first have a personal Google account.

Simply click on the "Sign in with Google" button on our website, after which you will be asked to select the Google Account you wish to sign in with.

We will then require your consent to allow Google to share certain information with Japan Expérience, namely your first and last name, email address and profile picture. Your login information is not shared with Japan Expérience.

Once you have confirmed that you wish to share, you will be securely logged into our website and will be able to access all services reserved for users with a personal account.

Your Japan Experience account will then be connected to your Google account, allowing you to sign in more quickly in the future.

For more information about how Google treats your data, please see Google's Privacy Policy.

3. Why does Japan Experience process my personal data?

We process your personal data for the sole purpose of :

  • Create your Japan Expérience account;
  • Send a quote following a request from you
  • Processing and delivery of your order;
  • Follow the progress of your order;
  • To contact you regarding an order you have placed;
  • It answers a question you have asked us;
  • Processing of applications for employment and traineeships
  • After obtaining your express consent, to send you personalised commercial and advertising information.

We will never process your personal data for purposes other than these without informing you beforehand.

4. What is the legal basis for processing my personal data?

The law requires that any processing of your personal data must have a lawful basis. At Japan Experience, the processing of your personal data is alternatively based on the following bases:

  • The necessity of the processing for the performance of the contract concluded between the customer and Japan Experience (order processing/monitoring and contact in the context of an order/quotation request);
  • Japan Experience's legitimate interest (answering a question asked / processing requests);
  • Your express consent (sending of commercial and advertising information).

5. Do I have to provide my personal data?

Most of the personal information we ask you for is necessary to process your request. This required information is marked with an asterisk (*).

The communication of this data is mandatory for the conclusion of an order with Japan Experience. If you refuse to provide Japan Experience with your personal data, Japan Experience will not be able to process your order.

6. How can I manage my preferences for cookies?

As cookies are a specific topic, we have created a specific page on our website where you can obtain information on this topic and manage your preferences.

To access this page, just click on the following link:

7. How long is my personal data kept for?

At Japan Experience, we undertake to keep your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be processed. Certain legal provisions also oblige us to keep your data for a minimum period of time.

Japan Experience will retain your personal data for the periods indicated below:

  • Order processing and follow-up: 5 years from the end of the contractual relationship.
  • Sending a quotation at your request: 5 years from the date of sending the quotation.
  • Processing of applications: 5 years from the date of application.
  • Answer to a question asked through our contact form: 5 years from the date of sending the form.
  • Send you our newsletter or personalised advertising: until you withdraw your consent
  • Cookies: 13 months

After these deadlines, we will delete your personal data or anonymise it.

8. Is my personal data safe?

At Japan Experience we take the security of your personal data very seriously. That is why we have taken internal measures to ensure the integrity of your data as far as possible.

We have obtained PCI-DSS certification, which confirms the quality of our IT security policy.

9. Where is my personal data stored?

Your personal data is mainly stored in databases located in the European Union.

However, as part of the necessary communication of your personal data to our service providers (see 10 - With whom does Japan Experience share my personal data), this data may in some cases be transferred outside the European Union.

In this case, we guarantee that such transfers are only made to countries that provide a level of protection equivalent to that guaranteed in the European Union, or are governed by binding instruments that meet the requirements of the applicable regulations.

In addition, as explained below, we strictly control the communication of your personal data to our service providers to ensure their security.

10. Who does Japan Experience share my personal data with

  • 10.1. Sharing your personal data with third parties

Personal data collected by Japan Experience may be shared with third party companies in the following circumstances:

   When Japan Experience uses the services of service providers to host its databasesIn this case, Japan Experience's website is hosted on GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM and its databases are hosted on Google Cloud Platform / Google Ireland Limited. Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Japan Expérience may also share your data with third parties when you connect to our website with third party services, such as the connection tools offered by Google. In these cases, we invite you to consult the privacy policy of the organisations concerned to find out how they process your personal data.

   - When Japan Experience uses the services of a service provider as part of an order and in accordance with the wishes expressed by the customer.

Within the framework of the provision of the service requested by the customer and in order to meet the customer's various needs, Japan Experience communicates certain personal data to its various service providers and partners. Thus, for example, when you wish to book a flight ticket to Japan, the execution of this service requires the communication of your identity data to the airline concerned.

Similarly, when you pay for your order by credit card, your bank details are transmitted to our service provider, INGENICO EPAYMENTS, so that you can benefit from a secure online payment platform. The same applies when the execution of your order requires the use of an external service provider.

In these cases, our partners act in most cases as data controllers independent of Japan Expérience. They therefore determine how and why they process your personal data. We therefore invite you to consult their own privacy policy for more information on how these organisations process your data.

   - If required by law, Japan Experience may transfer data to respond to claims made against Japan Experience and to comply with obligations arising from administrative and judicial proceedings;

   - If Japan Experience becomes involved in a merger, acquisition, asset sale or receivership, it may be required to sell or share some or all of its assets, including personal data.

In this case, you will be informed before your personal data is transferred to a third party.  In any case, Japan Experience:

 - Transmit to its service providers only the customer's personal data necessary to process the order.

 - The personal data of customers are only passed on to service providers who offer sufficient guarantees regarding the protection of personal data.

- Strictly supervise the processing of customers' personal data carried out on its behalf by its service providers.

  • 10.2. Sharing your personal data within our group

In addition, as Japan Experience is part of a group of companies, the other companies in the group may also have access to your personal data where such processing is justified by the performance of the contract between you and Japan Experience.

Our advisors, based in our subsidiaries abroad, are present in many countries in order to be able to answer your questions 24 hours a day during your trip to Japan. Their mission essentially involves access to some of your personal data in order to provide you with an appropriate response to your situation. We assure you that all the companies in the Japan Experience group are subject to the same requirements regarding the protection of your personal data.

11. What are my rights regarding my personal data?

In the course of our business, we may process your personal data in various ways. However, you are the only one who can control your data and how it is used.

You therefore have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

  • You can access all your personal data processed by Japan Experience ;
  • You can update or request deletion of your personal data;
  • You can object to the processing of your personal data;
  • You may withdraw your consent where it has justified the processing of your personal data;
  • You may request the communication of all your personal data processed by Japan Experience in order to exercise your right to data portability.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact our data protection team:

  • By e-mail to the following address:
  • By post, to the following address Japan Experience, 30 rue Sainte Anne, 75001 Paris.

As part of the processing of this request, we may ask you for proof of identity to verify its accuracy. In all cases, we undertake to provide you with a response within one month, which may be extended by two months depending on the complexity and number of requests.

Finally, we would like to remind you that in the event of a dispute concerning the processing of your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In France, this authority is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), whose Internet address is:

12.Alterations in this Confidentiality Policy

Japan Experience reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. If a change is made to this Privacy Policy, Japan Experience will post the new version on its website.

Japan Experience will notify you of the change by email, where possible, at least 15 days prior to the effective date. If you do not agree to the terms of the new version, you may request deletion of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.