Japanese winter essentials

Découvrez tous nos conseils pour visiter le Japon à la saison froide !

Discover all our tips for visiting Japan in the cold season!

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Stay warm in all weathers!

The generally temperate climate of the country can vary depending on the region. In winter, it can be -5° in Sapporo (Hokkaido) to 15° in Naha (Okinawa)! Although it is relatively dry and rather sunny, it is better to take precautions before boarding the plane.

Bouddha Jizô sous la neige

Buddha Jizô under the snow

Fabian Reus

Heating patches and warmers (kairo)


On sale in all supermarkets and pharmacies, kairo or heating patches will be your allies throughout your stay! The most popular are disposable warmers ( tsukaizute kairo ). You can find them in various sizes at the konbini , starting at 30 yen (about 0.30€). In supermarkets and pharmacies, it is possible to buy them in packs (cheaper!). Finally, note that there are "patch" versions to stick on your clothes . Once activated, a kairo emits heat for at least 10 hours; if not more!

Read : The Kotatsu

Pack de 30 chaufferettes

Pack of 30 heaters


Le kairo se présente sous forme de sachet rempli d'une matière sablonneuse

The kairo comes in the form of a bag filled with a sandy material


Haramaki Belt


The haramaki ( hara : "belly" and maki : "roll") is a wide elastic band of more or less thick fabric , worn on the stomach. This modern belt is inspired by those worn by samurai under their armour, although the usage is different. You can find haramaki made with various patterns and materials. A popular piece with women, it is used to warm the central part of the body , as well as the back. You can get haramaki in clothing stores and malls in Japan.

Haramaki, la ceinture chauffante japonaise

Haramaki, the Japanese heating belt


Armure Haramaki présentée au musée national de Tokyo

Haramaki armor on display at the Tokyo National Museum



Medicines and travel insurance

As no one is ever safe from a cold snap, it is safer to leave with a small kit containing basic medication . Of course, it is possible to buy medicines on site but this will save you some inconvenience. Before leaving, remember to take out travel insurance ; in case you fall ill and need to consult, it will make your job easier. Finally, if you have a cold, wearing a surgical mask is the least polite. You will easily find some at the konbini , at the pharmacy and at the supermarket.


Médicaments japonais

Japanese medicines


Personne portant un masque chirurgical au Japon

Person wearing a surgical mask in Japan

David Shackelford

Statues de neige au Japon

Snow statues in Japan

pixabay / sharonang

Singes du parc Jigokudani

Jigokudani Park Monkeys

Pixabay / Julienlstark

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