Christmas in japan クリスマス

A commercial December 25th

Year after year, the Christmas spirit has managed to find its place in a Japan that worships gifts. More celebrated with lovers and friends than with family, the Christmas period is a special moment in the Japanese lifestyle.

Christmas in Japan, equivalent to the French New Year

In Japan, Christmas has been incorporated as a popular commercial holiday that people love to celebrate. The majority of the population is Shinto and Buddhist, so the religious craze around December 25th and the period itself does not exist.

Illuminations, gifts, and a moment of love: this is how Christmas has managed to find a place for itself in a country with such different traditions. The big brands offer good deals in order to sell their stock and attract customers for end-of-year gifts.

Here, Christmas is above all a question of gifts! As a family, the event is focused on children because young Japanese believe in Santa Claus, while couples tend to spend Christmas together at KFC, and not as a family.

In reality, beyond the illuminations and gifts, Japanese Christmas is more like the French New Year. Teenagers and young adults will then tend to spend Christmas with their friends, while lovers prefer to enjoy the holiday in complete privacy.

As a result, booking a hotel on this date is very difficult as couples book their rooms months in advance.

Illuminations à Roppongi Hills

Illuminations in Roppongi, Tokyo


KFC à Noël

© jpellgen, flickr

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