Articles for the theme Onsen, Hot Springs and Public Baths in Kanazawa

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Kaga Onsen: Rejuvenating hot springs amidst majestic nature and ancient traditions

Nestled between the rugged coast of the Sea of Japan and the sacred peak of Mount Hakusan, Kaga Onsen is a captivating 1300-year-old hot spring resort area in southwestern Ishikawa

Mikuriga ike onsen l'hôtel

Mikuriga ike onsen

Mikuriga ike onsen is the highest onsen in Japan, at 2,430 meters above sea level!

Yamanaka Onsen

Nestled in the mountains, in Ishikawa Prefecture lies a spa more than a million years old.

Onsen around Kanazawa

Visiting an onsen (hot springs) during your trip to Japan is an absolute must-try experience. The Kanazawa region has some wonderful onsen on offer.

Hot Springs Yuwaku

Yuwaku Hot Springs

The hot springs at Yuwaku allow you to spend quality time in the thermal waters of a glorious past. These baths have welcomed the greatest lords of the region.